
The Rev. Jeffrey Gargano, Pastor

Accepted the call of the Reformed Church of the Tarrytowns in 2009. Previously served as pastor of the Reformed Church, St. Thomas, Virgin islands, for 14 years.

Lauren McBride
Administrative Assistant

Mi-Won Kim and Jeremy Goldsmith
Music Directors

The Consistory

In the Reformed Church in America, the Consistory is the local governing body. It is composed of Elders and Deacons. The president of the Consistory is the Pastor. Our church has four Elders and four Deacons. They are elected by the members of the congregation an an Annual Meeting. Both of these are offices in the church to which people are ordained. It is to be expected that anyone who serves as either an Elder or Deacon demonstrates in his/her own life a commitment to Jesus Christ and faithfully upholds–through attendance, spiritual development, and generous giving–the ministry of the church. As such, individuals who become Elders or Deacons make a serious commitment to the church and take a sacred vow before God. In the Reformed Church of the Tarrytowns, the office of Elder and Deacon is held for a term of three years.


An Elder is ordained to care for the spiritual concerns of members of a given congregation. Regularly, they inquire as to how people are doing, whether or not assistance, prayer, or maybe a visit might be in order. They are responsible for admitting new members, welcoming people to the Lord’s Table, baptizing those from the congregation who desire Baptism for themselves or their children, and to ensure that the preaching is doctrinally sound.

Elders (L-R) Dr. John Phillips, David Kim, John Paine, Maria Canales
A Deacon is ordained to a ministry of mercy. As Christ fed the hungry, comforted the poor, and healed the sick, so the Deacon is ordained to this ministry of compassion. The Deacons seek to provide assistance to people who are in need through the benevolence giving of the church.

Deacons (L-R) Doug Cronk, Stephanie Morehead, John Chow