16 May Benefit Concert for Ukrainian Relief – a success!
Our Benefit concert for Ukraine was a great success!
In case you missed it, live stream archive is available at this address.
Comments are pouring in:
“What wonderful musicians and choir. My good friend and her parents who escaped Kyiv are watching and appreciate the support and love of the American people! One day, they will go back to their home thanks to events like these to support Ukraine. Слава Україні “
“The Benefit concert for Ukraine last night was absolutely incredible. I am sure it must be on our website now. I encourage you to watch it.”
You can still donate to this cause by going to this link, or by clicking on the “Donate Now” link at the top of this page. Select the amount you would like to contribute, then select “Benefit Concert for Ukraine donation” on the next page. All contributions will be distributed to WorldVision, Inc., and earmarked specifically for their Ukrainian Crisis Fund. Thank you all!
Here are some images from the concert: