September 2, 2021

Dear Friends,

            With Labor Day a few days away, children returning to school in a week, and New Beginnings Nursery School starting up in two weeks, the program year at the church is about to begin.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you back in your favorite pew on September 12.  Obviously Covid concerns remain so we are doing everything we can to re-open safely.

To begin we are requesting that everyone plan to wear a mask.  (If you forget yours, not to worry, we will have a supply at the entrances to the building).  Yes, we know, masks are annoying, and worse muffle your amazing singing voice, but for the safety of children who are not eligible for vaccinations just yet, and even for those of us who are vaccinated, we want to minimize risk.  Our cleaning professionals are taking extraordinary measures to fully sanitize the buildings … including daily in the education wing.  When children leave worship for Sunday School, at least while the weather is favorable, instruction will be held outside.  Those who are old enough to wear masks will do so … just as in their schools.

This is all to say that the church is open and we want to see you.  And making things even better … on Sept. 12, following worship, a bagel buffet will be offered.  If the weather lends itself, this spread will be under the Japanese maple tree right outside of the sanctuary.

Most of all, it will be great to see you and to worship together.  Yes, there are lots of changes … but one thing we know … “the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting”, and after all, that is what we are about … giving thanks for God’s steadfast love even in these times of change.

As always … see you in church!


